Menopause Free of Suffering: A Testimonial
Menopause is Not a Disease! Hot flashes, Low Mood, Weight gains, and Other Menopausal Symptoms Can Be Avoided
Author: Laure Goldbright
Trim Size: 5 x 8 in
Page Count: 117
E-book : Kindle - Ibookstore - Google Play - Kobo
The women in my family have always had a lot of symptoms before, during, and after menopause. I didn't want to suffer like them and I decided to react. I questioned our Western beliefs about menopause and did some research to find out how I could avoid the usual menopause ailments. I was determined to have a happy menopause, without hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, nervousness, depression, cellulite buildup, age spots on the face, and accelerated aging. And I achieved it!
I realized that almost all the symptoms culturally attributed to menopause are actually due to other causes, which can be eliminated.
In this book, I will explain how I performed my investigation; then I will share some important information so that you, too, can avoid the hardships our culture usually condemns women to with the outbreak of menopause. Even if you are already suffering from some so-called "menopausal symptoms," it's not too late to take action to live a happy and healthy menopause. This little book is easy to read, free of medical jargon, and considers the spiritual dimension of women.